Save Patrick Murphy--

Please keep sign and share petition!

Petition:Save Patrick Henry Murphy Jr.

Patrick Henry Murphy Jr. #999461 is convicted under notorious Texas Law of Parties.
Dec.24.2000,Patrick and 6 co-defendants tried to rob Oshman's sporting goods store.
Patrick didn't want to join robbery from day one.He was assigned to lookout and getaway driver.
Officer Aubrey Hawkins was regretfully shot at back side of store.
(George Rivas took responsibility of killing,Randy Halprin's gun was not fired)Patrick did not even see the crime scene,did not imagine shooting would happen. (George Rivas convinced him No one would be harmed.)
Patrick's limited level of involvement for robbery should spare him from Death Penalty!

Nov.13 execution date's stay was because of religious reason.Because Patrick wanted to be his Buddhist Reverend if he will be executed.(which should not happen as he did not kill anyone!)
Fight continues!

How to take Action For Patrick(Nov.13 version,No huge difference except Patrick doesn't have execution date now)

Articles about Patrick's case --includes before March 28.
--LISTEN: Yoga, Buddha and death row: An interview with Patrick Murphy(Nov.10)
--High-profile murder cases put spotlight on controversial Texas law of parties(Oct.31)
--(Patrick and Reverend Hui-Yong's interview (July 9)(wrongly says Patrick as "cop killer")
--COLUMN: Condemned man pulled no trigger(The appeal)
--Board Denies Clemency for Texas Man Convicted Under Law of Parties Who Was Not Present When Killing Occurred(Mar.27,DPIC)

About March 28's stay-and outline of Patrick's case
--'Texas 7' lookout man gets last-minute stay of execution

Patrick's Writing about his experience(rewrite,longer all new version)is Now "Minutes before Six"!
the day he got a stay after 2 hours scheduled execution.
"Death Watch" Patrick Murphy
Patrick's older writing
The Ox cart of Time

Travis Runnels (RIP..) speaking on the events of Patrick's Stay.Travis speaking on the Events after Patrick Murphy recieved his first of two stays this month.

Find us on Facebook:Save Patrick Murphy

Webmaster's first language is not English.(nor European)I am trying hard,but sometimes there are grammatically strange parts.I am so sorry about it.
Also,as Patrick got a stay,I will try to make this website slightly better.
Last updated:20.May.11.2020